How to Properly Dispose of Your HVAC Air Filters

Like many homeowners, you may be a pro at changing your HVAC system’s air filter. But what should you do with the old one? Understanding how to properly dispose of an air filter is crucial for maintaining a clean and healthy indoor air supply.
Disposing of a Dirty Air Filter
HVAC air filters should be replaced about every 1-3 months, or according to your system’s owner’s manual. Although the majority of household air filters are replaceable, some HVAC systems, especially ductless mini-splits, use reusable air filters.
If your filter is reusable, wash it with mild soap and water and let it dry. If it’s a disposable filter, consider following these steps:
- Have a plastic trash bag at the ready. As soon as you remove the old filter from the HVAC system, carefully place it in the bag.
- Avoid shaking the bag to prevent potentially harmful contaminants such as dust, mold spores, and allergens from re-entering the air.
- Tie up the bag firmly. Consider using tape to completely seal the trash bag to prevent contaminants from escaping.
- Throw the bag away in an outside trash can or dumpster.
What Not to Do with an Old Filter
Some steps to avoid include:
- Setting it next to your HVAC system and forgetting about it.
- Throwing the filter in a regular household trash can without any precautions.
- Disposing of the filter in a way that allows pets or children to easily access it.
- Burning the filter, which can release harmful chemicals and pollutants into the air.
Why Properly Throwing Away Old HVAC Filters Matters
Proper disposal of HVAC filters is a crucial step for safeguarding indoor air quality and protecting the health of family members, particularly those with asthma, allergies, or other respiratory illnesses.
When old filters are not properly discarded, harmful contaminants such as dust, pollen, mold spores, and bacteria can be released back into the air. These pollutants can worsen respiratory conditions, trigger allergies, and compromise the air quality in your home. By properly throwing away old air filters, you can help reduce the risk of exposure to these harmful substances, creating a healthier environment for you and your family.