Should I Cover My AC Unit in the Winter?

HVAC Logo IconBy Tom MoorAugust 17, 2023

Covering an outdoor air conditioning unit during the winter isn’t necessary, but it can be done. You need to decide what’s best for your system by looking at the pros and cons of covering the outside components.

One thing to remember is that most manufacturers don’t recommend covering the outdoor unit. Keep reading as answers the question – should you cover your AC unit in the winter?

Pros to Covering Your Outdoor AC Unit in the Winter

Covering an outdoor HVAC unit does have some advantages, and there are some inexpensive air conditioner covers for winter you can invest in. If you choose to cover your air conditioner, here are some benefits:

  • A cover protects your air conditioner coils, so they stay a little cleaner, allowing them to run efficiently the next time you use the air conditioner.
  • Protection from heavy debris, such as branches or sticks, is possible with an outdoor unit cover.
  • Covering your outdoor unit helps prevent water resting on your coils, causing them to freeze when the temperature drops.

Cons to Covering Your Outdoor AC Unit in the Winter

Covering your outdoor unit isn’t necessary because they are manufactured to withstand any type of weather. After reviewing the pros of covering your unit, here are the drawbacks if you choose to cover the outdoor unit:

  • There is an increased chance water, and excess moisture won’t be able to drain out of the unit, leading to mold issues.
  • Trapped moisture can affect the electrical wiring, wiring connections, and circuit boards in your outdoor unit.
  • Rain actually helps clear out debris from your outdoor unit that collects throughout the year.
  • During the winter, small animals seek warm places for shelter against the colder elements. A covered unit is exactly the type of place pests will hide. They will leave excrement, feces, and debris inside the cover, causing damage to the components in your outdoor unit.
  • One of the biggest reasons to not cover your outdoor unit is because most air conditioning manufacturers don’t recommend it.

Meanwhile, if you have a heat pump, you should never cover the outdoor unit for fear of a fire hazard. Heat pumps operate year-round, and covering the unit can impede proper airflow, potentially causing overheating and posing a safety risk.

Covering an AC Unit During the Winter – The Decision Is Yours

Whether you cover your outdoor air conditioner unit or not, the decision is completely up to you. You will have to weigh the pros and cons for what you think is best for your system.

If you're unsure, contact a qualified HVAC contractor to help you determine the best course of action.